
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Advertising Jobs........

Today to earn money you need not go to office or stand in qeue's or face tough interview's. If you have faith, inovation and zest to do something.
and internet with a computer of-course

Following would help you :

India is considered to be a great source for creativity; its people are sought after by everyone abroad and they command a lot of respect in the International Advertising Community. The country is now on the international map. The global impact of the Indian aptitude with respect to the advertising Industry is not only being noticed but appreciated worldwide.

The advertising in India is quite superior and the local talent boasts of high production values with interesting ideas and concepts, thus, making it a desirable hub for International Recruiters.

The Advertising Career
There are numerous career options available in the advertising world. In a typical Ad-agency, there are various job options, like, an advertising manager, who administers creative, in-house accounts, and Media services departments. Then there is an account executive who manages the account services department in advertising agencies, determines the need for advertising and maintains the accounts of clients. Another vital department in the advertising world is 'The creative services department' which is responsible for developing the subject matter and presentation of the advertisements. There is a creative director who oversees the copy chief, art director, copywriters and associated staff. Then there exists a media department which is headed by a media director who organize planning groups that select the communication media, like, radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet, or outdoor signs in order to disseminate the ads.

Other Advertising Career Opportunities
There are many professions, trades and art forms that are closely connected with the advertising industry. You may find one of them suits your talents best, or, they could open the door to a career in an agency.

These include career options as, Printer, Photographer, Illustrator, Commercials Director, Public Relations, Direct Marketing, Designer, Sales Promotion, Set Designer, Make-up Artist, Commercials Producer, Model, voiceover, Sound Engineer, Typographer, Stylist, Brand/Product Manager, Market Research Analyst.

Job Scenario
The world has woken up to the fact that India is a big market. We have seen every possible global brand available in India. With respect to the advertising industry, it is maximizing this new opportunity. An opportunity to work on global brands is helping the local talents think, and stay ahead with the rest of the world. In this knowledge driven industry, its the Indian Advertising Industry's ideas and accepted wisdom, which has shaped winning strategies and scripted many success stories.

The job applicants face a more stable environment but a highly competitive market. Projections for the coming years suggest an average growth of over 30% for marketing research analysts, advertising managers, and visual artists. Nevertheless, the International Recruiters will continue to be highly selective. The most motivated, energetic, well-organized candidates with top-notch analytic and communication skills will land the best jobs.

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